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Enstone Primary School

Happy, Motivated, Achieving.

School Games Sports Days

Annual Sports Days 


Every summer term we hold a "School Games Sports Day".  This is an opportunity for our pupils to get together in their house teams and compete in a variety of events to showcase their sporting skills.  We open with a "round robin" - a series of four different events designed to test our pupils' endurance, skill, agility, teamwork and problem solving abilities.  This is followed by "flat races", including sprint, hurdles and long distance, and then some fun events such as the sack race or egg and spoon race.  All pupils are encouraged to participate in every event, and our younger pupils are well-supported by their older team mates.  Sports Day is an inclusive event with a chance for everyone to shine.  There are individual achievements to celebrate, for example winning the sprint race or the hurdles race, but ultimately all points gained contribute to a whole total, so that through excellent teamwork and effort, one house may be declared victorious.


In 2024 we held our School Games Sports Day on 25th June.  The weather was extremely warm, so we rotated groups in and out of the shade and made sure we drank plenty of water.  We enjoyed a lovely afternoon of activities, finishing with a well-deserved ice lolly!  Air House triumphed and took the trophy for 2024.  Below, you can view some photographs of our house teams in action.



Sports Days during the Covid Pandemic


In 2020 our School Games Sports Day looked rather different, but we were determined that the event would go ahead and we would enjoy an afternoon of sporting talent and achievement.  Due to the Covid-19 Pandemic and social distancing requirements, our children did not take part in their houses in the usual way, instead working within their "bubbles" and across two different afternoons. We still managed to enjoy field and track events, with individual winners being recognised and pupils' efforts also contributing to the competition to win the Sports Day Trophy for their house.  Air House emerged triumphant - a first win for this house!


In 2021 we were still a little restricted with our sports day, again needing to work in our bubbles, but at least we could all compete on the same day.  We even managed to invite a small audience of parents so that our Year 6's could be cheered to the finishing line for their last ever Enstone sports day.  Air House's luck held held and they won the trophy for a second year running.


From 2022 it was back to business as usual, with full participation in our house teams, and everyone's parents invited.  Fire House won in 2022 and Air House in 2023.
