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Enstone Primary School

Happy, Motivated, Achieving.


At Enstone Primary School we offer a rich and engaging curriculum which encourages a lifelong love of learning.  Our pupils are supported to gain knowledge and skills through an approach to teaching and learning which values exploration, creativity, curiosity, independence, collaboration, resilience and reflection.  Our curriculum offers enrichment activities that go beyond the classroom and beyond the school day.  We are fully inclusive and embrace difference, adapting our curriculum and our approach to meet the varying needs of our pupils.  Our expectations are high: all members of our school community are encouraged to embrace a growth mindset and to challenge themselves to be the best they can be.

More information regarding the curriculum on offer at Enstone Primary School can be found in the School Prospectus.  See below under Admissions.


You may also like to visit the individual class pages of this website and the "School Activities" tab.  Here you will find photographs of us engaging in all sorts workshops, trips and other fun activities as part of our broad curriculum offer to pupils.


