Eco Warriors
Eco Warriors 2023-24
Since September 2008 a student council of "Eco Warriors", with a dedicated staff member at the helm, have led Enstone Primary School first in achieving and then in maintaining Eco-School status. The award was first achieved in January 2011 with the Green Flag being presented to the Eco Warriors by Cllr. Ian Hudspeth. In the years that followed we faced bi-annual and then annual re-assessment, which we passed with flying colours each time, retaining our Green Flag status. In both 2022 and 2023 we were delighted to achieve awards with Distinction!
Our Eco Code for 2023-24:
Switch off lights.
Always take your rubbish home.
Very small pieces of litter do great damage.
Endangered animals need our help.
Our glaciers need saving.
Use the planet’s resources wisely.
Reduce, re-use, recycle.
Pollution needs to stop.
Look after wildlife.
Act now to stop global warming.
Now is the time to shop more responsibly.
Earth cannot be cloned.
Think fast before the world ends!
We all need to work together to help save our world.
There is no Planet B!
Environmental Review 2023-24
Eco Highlights 2022-23
Eco Highlights 2021-22
Eco Highlights 2020-2021
Travel Plan
Eco Highlights 2019-20
Some of our Eco Projects